SIHD expert groups

SIHD expert groups

Find our Expert Groups that are addressing social science issues.

​Several ICES expert groups are primarily focused on addressing economic and social topics.  Going forward, the SIHD will work with these Expert Groups and the Steering Groups that guide them to encourage interactions between the scientists in these groups and other scientists in our network, and to identify opportunities where social and economic science can add value to ICES work.

Working Group on Maritime Systems (WGMARS) focuses on informing the implementation of Integrated Ecosystem Assessments (IEA) in ICES.

Working Group on Social and Economic Dimensions of Aquaculture (WGSEDA) focuses on how to measure and balance the negative and positive socio-economic consequences of aquaculture development.

Working Group on Resilience and Marine Ecosystem Services (WGRMES) conducts research on marine ecosystem services and their ecological, economic, social and cultural dimensions.

Working Group on the History of Fish and Fisheries (WGHIST) works on multidisciplinary aspects of the history of fish and fisheries.

Working Group on Economics (WGECON) addresses the challenge of bringing fisheries economics into ICES science and advice.

Working Group on Social indicators (WGSOCIAL) focuses on improving the integration of social sciences in ICES Ecosystem Overviews and Integrated Ecosystem Assessments through the development of culturally relevant social indicators.

Working Group on Balancing Economic, Social and Ecological Objectives (WGBESEO) develops a generic methodology for identifying, characterizing, and classifying social, economic, and ecological objectives - enabling the awareness of such objectives in ICES advisory process.​

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SIHD expert groups

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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