Working Group on the Joint Cetacean Data Programme

WGJCDP is responsible for the JCDP database,  which contains collated cetacean data from the northeast Atlantic.
​​​​​​​​​​​​ The Joint Cetacean Data Programme (JCDP) vision is to promote and facilitate cetacean data standardization and maximize value through collation and enabling universal access.

​The Working Group for the Joint Cetacean Data Programme (WGJCDP) is responsible for the JCDP database - which contains collated cetacean data from the northeast Atlantic - and  works in line with the JCDP vision.

The database comprises data that meets the agreed data standard from multiple data providers collected through ship-based and aerial methodologies. WGJCDP drives continued input of standardized data into the database, and develops analyses and data products in line with identified priorities across the cetacean research and policy community. 

WGJCDP will work in collaboration with the Working Group on Bycatch of Protected Species (WGBYC) and the Working Group on Marine Mammal Ecology (WGMME) to provide robust and relevant outputs in support of ongoing priorities and needs such as e.g. abundance and distribution trends and areas of persistent densities.

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