Working Group on Economics

The Working Group on Economics (WGECON) addresses the challenge of bringing fisheries economics into ICES science and advice.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Nations are concerned about fish stocks and marine ecosystems, not least because they​​​ contribute to human wellbeing and have economic value. This economic dimension should
be an integral part of the science and advice regarding the use and conservation of marine resources. 

The tasks of WGECON include mapping current work and identifying future needs, looking into links with international organizations, reporting on information needed for trade-off analysis of fishing impacts and ecosystem services (see review and future perspectives), and assessing the economic significance of fishing (see ICES Ecosystem overviews - Celtic Seas 2022 and North Sea 2022​). ​

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Well-established and less established science and advice topics within ICES to which economics can contribute. 
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