Working Group on the History of Fish and Fisheries

The Working Group on the History of Fish and Fisheries (WGHIST) brings together researchers to discuss and undertake work on change in marine and fisheries systems over multidecadal to centennial timescales.

​​​​​​​​​​​​WGHIST explore social-ecological change through time from different geographic regions as well as thematic areas and disciplines. Work from this diverse group clarifies the value and use of historical perspectives and research, and its application to contemporary management. Members exchange resources and approaches, promote best practices, and forward collaborative manuscripts and other deliverables. They also work to make historical marine research more visible and useful, and forward lessons from its success as a crossdisciplinary group on to others.

The group currently focuses on: ensuring historical metadata and other resources are accessible to the scientific community, expanding knowledge on long-term changes in marine ecosystems and dependent communities, with specific reference to social, cultural, and economic dimensions, and expanding the visibility of resources and approaches not typically used in marine systems research and management.

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​Winslow Homer, The Herring Net 1885 (Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago IL, USA)​​

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