Our keynote talks will start conversations
Each day, participants at ICES ASC 2019 can look forward to a fantastic plenary session.
Jakob Granit holds court at the opening session on Monday as he moderates a panel discussion on the theme of science as the key to sustainable management of the sea. He is joined by Elisa Morgera, Katherine Richardson, Manuel Barange, and Vladimir Ryabinin for what promises to be a fantastic start to a week of science.
Manuel Barange returns on Tuesday with his keynote talk that asks us to imagine the role of fish in securing food for a 9-billion world. He will speak about the challenges we need to face to arrive at the future we want.
Gretta Pecl states that we are currently living through the greatest redistribtion of life on earth for at least 20,000 years. Join her on Wednesday morning as she speaks on the climate-driven redistribution of ocean life and its implications for society, focusing on current and potential adaption planning and adaptation actions at international, national, and local scales.
Over the past two decades, significant strides have been made in our understanding of the linkages between physical and biological processes. At the same time, we have witnessed unprecedented changes in absolute magnitudes and rates of change in our environment. With trends to likely continue over the coming decades, Cisco Werner closes out the conference on Thursday afternoon with his keynote talk on how scientists, managers, and stakeholder will have to plan for future scenarios and co-produce actionable advice for the human communities that depend on our marine resources.
Join our network sessions to share your ideas and knowledge
Join the Global impacts of shipping network session on Monday to discuss research needed to address global impacts of shipping on the coastal environment and consider joining the new expert group Working Group on Shipping Impacts (WGSHIP).
Develop your skills and knowledge throughout the week
Develop your science communication skills on Monday afternoon with COMPASS in an interactive session that will explore the foundations of good science communication and provide hands on practice with developing messages relevant for the audiences you most want to reach — journalists, policymakers, the public, and even other scientists.
Come along on Tuesday afternoon and find out everything you always wanted to know about getting published. Howard Browman, Editor-in-Chief of our journal, ICES Journal of Marine Science, is in the hot seat in the Early Career Scientist Area at 12:45 to answer all your questions.
The Baltic and North Sea Coordination and Support Action (BANOS CSA) presents a dialogue to define future Baltic and North Sea research and innovation needs on Wednesday afternoon. ICES science community is invited to enter into a dialogue with the drafting team to provide feedback and consider further research needs and relevant topics that could act as 'connectors' between the Baltic and the North Sea.
Stay on top of your week with the ASC calendar
Stay up-to-date in Gothenburg with the
ASC online programme. Here you will find the latest presentation timetables for all theme sessions.
Remember to share your science and share your ASC