
SIIECS Digital Open Day 2024

Join us for a unique look at ICES, career paths, and a glimpse into the future

13 June 2024
16:30–18:00 CET

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ICES Strategic Initiative for the Integration of Early Career Scientists (SIIECS) is excited to invite you to its third ICES Digital Open Day. You'll get an exclusive look into the diverse world of professionals working within our organization and the intriguing journeys that brought them here.

During this 90-minute event, you'll have the opportunity to connect with individuals from different backgrounds and experiences, all of whom contribute to fisheries management, ecosystem advice, and ocean science.

This is a chance to explore the educational and career routes that have led our experts to collaborate within ICES community. This year, we'll introduce our new Chair of ICES Science Committee (SCICOM), Dave Reid, and look into the development of work on offshore renewable energy. Whether you're curious about the field of marine science or any related area, this event will provide insights and inspirations for your own career path.

Mark your calendar for 16:30 on 13 June, and don't miss this unique opportunity to learn, connect, and grow. SIIECS looks forward to having you join this insightful and engaging session.​​

​​​Speaker Bios

Nathalie Steins

Nathalie is a marine social scientist who, since June 2016, has served as project manager of the Wageningen Marine Research (WMR) regional research centre in Yerseke, the Netherlands. She studied Rural Development Studies at Wageningen Agricultural University; did research at the Centre for Coastal Zone Management in Portsmouth, UK; obtained her PhD in Wageningen; and worked for the Dutch Fish Product Board and for the Marine Stewardship Council. She is currently leader of the WMR Fisheries Development and Innovation Team. Prior to this, she was head of the former Fisheries Department of WMR. She is chair of ICES Human Dimension Steering Committee (HUDISG). 

Szymon Smolinski

Szymon trained as a hydrobiologist, primarily interested in freshwater ecosystems, but shifted towards marine sciences and obtained a PhD in oceanology (although he is still active inland!). He has a strong focus on fish biology and ecology. His research interests include applications of otoliths as ecological indicators, processes related to fish growth and recruitment, population dynamics, spatial modeling, and the investigation of how climate change impacts fish populations. Within ICES, he is mainly involved in the working groups dealing with fish biological parameters and the assessment of fish stocks in the Baltic Sea. He currently serves as a national alternate member of SCICOM and editor of ICES Journal of Marine Science.​

Jolien Buyse

Jolien initially pursued her education with the goal of becoming a teacher. However, after earning her teaching degree, she realized she wanted to deepen her knowledge before stepping into a classroom. This led her to complete a bridging program for a master’s in Biology, where she discovered her passion for marine ecology. Subsequently, she enrolled in the Oceans & Lakes Master's Program, which equipped her with the skills to become a marine science researcher. 

Upon graduation, she was fortunate to find a PhD project focusing on the ecological impacts of offshore wind. During her PhD, she engaged with two ICES groups, WGOWDF and WGMBRED, which work on the impacts of offshore wind on fisheries and the benthos.

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​Timeline for SIIECS Digital Open Day 2024

16:30: Welcome by SIIECS

16:35: Intro to SIIECS

16:45: Opening statement by SCICOM Chair Dave Reid

17:00: Speaker 1, Nathalie Steins 

17:10: Speaker 2, Szymon Smolinski 

17:20: Speaker 3, Jolien Buyse

17:30: Q&A / open-ended discussion. The event will finish by 18:00.

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SIIECS Digital Open Day 2024

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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