
An outstanding scientific leader for ICES

Dave Reid has been appointed as the next Chair of ICES Science Committee. 
Published: 27 February 2024

Dave Reid is currently the Principal Investigator in Ecosystems Based Fishery Management at the Marine Institute in Ireland but this May, he will be making his way to ICES Headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark to take on the role of Science Committee Chair. 

A scientist at the forefront of ecosystem science, he is no stranger to ICES community. One could actually trace Reid's career through his ICES expert group membership, starting with a focus on gears, surveys, data and adapting surveys for ecosystem sampling, and evolving to include the ecosystem effects of fishing, ecosystems approach, integrated ecosystem assessment and the MSFD.​​

Reid has been involved with ICES since 1990 as a mem​ber of the Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology (WGFAST)​ and since then, his impact within ICES network has been extensive, participating in 25 working groups, 30 workshops, 2 strategic initiatives, 4 steering groups, SCICOM, also chairing 10 workshops, 8 working groups, and 2 steering groups (Steering Group on Integrated Ecosystem Assessments and the Steering Group on Regional Seas Programme). He is an active member of many of these groups today. ​He was the 2022 recipient of ICES Outstanding Achievement Award, which recognizes a member of ICES community who has made ongoing important contributions to our organization in the field of marine science over a sustained period of time.

Improving links between science and advice

Reid is honoured with his new appointment and is committed to advancing ICES Science Plan and fostering collaboration and inspiration within ICES community.

Reid aims to use his extensive experience in marine science and within ICES to strengthen the links between scientific research and operational advice, particularly in the context of ecosystem-based management. He views responding to the rapidly changing and increasing pressures on the marine ecosystem, and helping those dependent on it deal with them, as a major challenge, and looks forward to collaborating with ICES community to address these challenges effectively.

"I really look forward to working with old friends and new across ICES community, I have always been inspired by my ICES involvement, and I hope to help others to the same inspiration".

A welcome choice

ICES President Bill Karp is delighted that Reid has been chosen and is confident in the experience that Reid brings to the scientific leadership of the organization, "Dave brings a unique and remarkable mix of scientific accomplishments, leadership in ICES and the broader international community, and communication skills". ​

Dave Reid, Marine Institute Ireland, will begin his 3-year term as Chair of ICES Science Committee (SCICOM) ​in May 2024.  ​

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​Dave Reid has been appointed as the next Chair of ICES Science Committee. Photo: Andrew Downes X​posure.

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An outstanding scientific leader for ICES

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