Science symposia

Publishing symposia results

Proceedings of ICES symposia are, in principle, to be submitted to ICES Journal of Marine Science for consideration before any alternative publication arrangements are made.

​​​​​​​​​The ICES Journal of Marine Science, published for ICES by Oxford University Press, usually publishes three volumes of proceedings each year, as soon as possible after the symposia in question.

Please note the guidelines for conveners which detail the publication planning procedure to be followed when applying for proceedings to appear in the ICES Journal of Marine Science (Annex 1).

ICES Marine Science Symposia (MSS), the Council's proceedings series for many years, was incorporated into the journal in 1995. Submissions for symposia issues are handled in the same way as regular issues and subject to the same editorial policies. Please visit ICES Journal for more details and guidelines for authors.

Historical copies of symposia proceedings are available in IC​ES library​.

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Publishing symposia results

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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