Science symposia

Symposia co-sponsorship

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ICES provides support or endorsement for scientific symposia that contribute to our efforts to develop and share knowledge and expertise related to marine science.

​​​​​​We welcome proposals annually for symposia on topics that are relevant to the science priorities in the Science Plan and/or issues highlighted in the Strategic Plan and​ Advisory Plan. Proposals can be made either for ICES co-sponsorship or endorsement only. Next call will be published in the end of 2024.

The following criteria apply:

  • symposium topic should address at least one of the science priorities in ICES Science Plan and/or topics highlighted in ICES Strategic or Advice Plans
  • high-quality scientific outcomes are expected
  • the scientific credibility of the conveners is well established
  • scientists affiliated to ICES working groups should be included in the scientific steering committee 
  • a sound financial basis is expected
  • ICES sponsorship should be of mutual importance to ICES and to the requesting partner[s]
  • conveners must submit reports to ICES no later than six weeks after the symposium

​More detailed information is provided in the symposium guidelines. 

The final decision to co-sponsor a science symposium is made by our Science Committee (SCICOM)

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Symposia co-sponsorship

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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