Science symposia

Symposium on Capelin—The canary in predicting effects of climate on the Arctic marine environment

10-13 October 2022
Bergen, Norway

Call for abstracts and Early Career Scientist support is closed.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Because of its responsiveness to changes in the marine environment, it has been suggested by Rose (2005) that the capelin could be a “canary in the coalmine" to detect signals of changes in the Arctic Ocean. ​

This symposium seeks to determine how the link between capelin migration and environmental change can help identify realistic timescales for tipping points and major disruptions in the Arctic marine environment. 

The symposium aims to revise and expand our knowledge base on capelin biology, ecology, and roles in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic ecosystems, with a ​​​​focus on the capelin stocks in the following Sub-Arctic regions:

  • Barents Sea 
  • Waters around Iceland–East Greenland–Jan Mayen  
  • The Newfoundland–Labrador Shelf 
  • Gulf of Alaska 
  • Bering Sea

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Symposium conveners:

Samuel Subbey, Norway
Johanna Fall, Norway
Warsha Singh, Iceland
Kerim Aydin, United States
Hannah Murphy, Canada

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Symposium on Capelin—The canary in predicting effects of climate on the Arctic marine environment

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