Science symposia

Oceans Past V

Multidisciplinary perspectives on the history of human interactions with life in the ocean

18-20 May 2015
Tallinn, Estonia

​Marine science has taken a historical turn over the past two decades. Individual studies and global initiatives (History of Marine Animal Populations, Sea Around Us) have led to ta large number of research projects ​in diverse socio-ecological systems, from coastal European marshes to Pacific islands, to Atlantic fisheries.

Meanwhile in what could be dubbed a sea change of history, environmental historians are also studying human engagement with the underwater realm. Historians, including archaeologists, sociologists, and geographers, have engaged with marine scientists in an interdisciplinary effort to bring together the long-term study of human and animal worlds. Thanks to this collaborative effort, researchers have not only identified , but in many cases resolved, the problem of the 'shifting baseline' by pushing back the chronological limits of our knowledge.

This conference will provide a forum where the latest research in marine environmental history and historical marine ecology are presented and debated, and made easily accesible to researchers and policy makers.


Henn Ojaveer (Estonia)

Brian McKenzie (Denmark)

Alison MacDiarmid (New Zealand)

Important dates

Early-bird registration opens: 1 November 2014

Abstract deadline: 1 February 2015

Notification of abstract acceptance: 28 February 2015

Early-bird registration closes: 31 March 2015

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Oceans Past V

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