Science symposia

Johan Hjort Symposium

Recruitment Dynamics and Stock Variability

7-9 October 2014
Bergen, Norway

100 years ago, Johan Hjort wrote his seminal book Fluctuations in the Great Fisheries of Northern Europe, which put forward new conceptual ideas about the formation of strong year classes based on age determination techniques from fish scales. 

This symposium will address the level of knowledge about natural mortality, growth, and recruitment, but also encourage integrated studies including environmental drivers within an ecological framework.

In 1914, Hjort stated that "the object can never be fully attained; new questions will constantly arise, as the knowledge obtained creates the demand for new, and it will always be possible to increase and intensify our comprehension of the vital conditions affecting the organisms in question".

One question the symposium will particularly look at: have modern techniques (such as individual-based models and large-scale analytic tools) made reliable predictions possible?


Olav Sigurd Kjesbu (Norway)

C. Tara Marshall (Scotland)

Svein Sundby (Norway)

Important dates

   1 March 2014       Registration opens

      1 June 2014       Abstract deadline

15 August 2014       Early registration fee deadline

  1 August 2014       Acceptance of contribution notification

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Johan Hjort Symposium

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