Science symposia

International Eel Symposium 2014

Are the eels climbing back up the slippery slope?

17-21 August 2014
Quebec City, Canada

Following a decadal descent to historically low abundances of northern temperate eel stocks, management and protection of these iconic species have been initiated. Intensified monitoring and novel frameworks for international assessment now yield more insight into overall stock dynamics, although major anthropogenic impacts remain unquantified.  Responsible agencies have taken measures to protect eel stocks.

Have these measures provided adequate protection? 

What is adequate?

We need to come to grips with the core issues of what is happening to eel populations, and why. We also need to define and implement effective means to marshal species-wide joint action on eel assessment and conservation. In Europe, international integration of eel protection is underway, while in North America only tentative steps have been taken.


Martin Castonguay (Canada)

John Casselman (Canada)

Willem Dekker (Sweden)


Registration forms are available on the AFS website.

The early-bird rate will end on 20 June 2014.

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International Eel Symposium 2014

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