Science symposia

AQUA 2024

Blue Food : Green Solutions

26-30 August 2024
Copenhagen, Denmark

​​​​​​​​As our knowledge and technology increase, so does aquaculture's potential to transform our food systems to mitigate climate impacts and enhance food safety and security in a manner that is financially feasible and ecologically sustainable.

Every six years, the European Aquaculture Society (EAS) and the World Aquaculture Society (WAS) work together to organise a global AQUA event, incorporating the EAS and WAS annual events. Past AQUAs were held in Nice (2000), Florence (2006), Prague (2012) and Montpellier (2018).

​AQUA 2024 will take place 26-30 August 2024 at the Bella Centre in Copenhagen, Denmark. The event will comprise a scientific conference, trade exhibition, industry forums, workshops, student events and receptions. It will highlight the latest aquaculture research and innovation to underpin continued growth of this exciting seafood production sector. ​

Read more about conference, including abstract submissions and registration on Aqua 2024 website.​

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AQUA 2024

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