Science symposia

ICES 4th Decadal Variability of the North Atlantic and its Marine Ecosystems: 2010–2019

20–22 June 2022
Bergen, Norway

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Climate variability and change is impacting the distributions and productivity of marine species in the North Atlantic. Monitoring and predicting the effects of climate change on the distribution of habitats, and the marine species that occupy them is critical for resource management.  This 4th symposium is part of a series of decadal symposiums organized by ICES, where researchers gather to review the variability of North Atlantic environmental conditions and marine ecosystems over the past decade. Researchers aim to understand the relationship between ecosystem components and how they influence the distribution, abundance and productivity of living marine resources. In addition, researchers will review recent advances in sub-decadal forecasts of ecosystem change.

The symposium will provide a forum to highlight key ICES working group activities, allowing scientists, from multiple disciplines to network, build relationships and share their scientific understanding of marine ecosystems. ​​

For more information about the symposium,​ visit ​the website.

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Scientific Steering Group:

​​Øystein Skagseth (Norway)
​Harald Loeng (IMR)
Paula Fratantoni (USA)
Frederic Cyr (NAFO)
Julie Kellner (ICES)
​​Caroline Cusack (Ireland)
Cesar Gonzalez-Pola (Spain)
Kjell Arne Mork (Norway)
​​Agnieszka​ Beszczynska-Möller (Poland)
Almudena Fontan (Spain)
Barbara Berx (UK)
Eileen Bresnan (UK)
Ricardo Sánchez​ Leal (Spain)​
Stephen Dye (UK)
Tycjan Wodzinowski (Poland)

Most are members of ICES Working Group on ​Oceanic Hydrography (WGOH)​

​Local Organizing Committee:
Harald Loeng (IMR)
Veslemøy K. L. Villanger (IMR)​
Kathrin Gjerdevik - IMR - Norway
Øystein Skagseth - IMR - Norway​
Henrik Larsen (ICES)
Julie Kellner (ICES)​

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ICES 4th Decadal Variability of the North Atlantic and its Marine Ecosystems: 2010–2019

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