MSEAS 2016

MSEAS 2016

Understanding marine socio-ecological systems: including the human dimension in Integrated Ecosystem Assessments

30 May - 3 June 2016
Brest, France


Jason Link, USA
David C. Smith, Australia
Olivier Thébaud, France​​

T​he focus of the symposium will be on integration and assessment across multiple ocean uses and sectors, including: fisheries, renewable energy, coastal development, oil and gas, transport, and conservation.

There will be a particular emphasis on the methodological and empirical challenges involved in including human dimensions in integrated ecosystem assessments.

The symposium will be global in scope, with a focus on regions in which integrated ocean management policies have been developing in the last two decades.​


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ICES Journal of Marine Science MSEAS synthesis papers:

Keeping Humans in the Ecosystem

Shaping the future of marine socio-ecological systems research: when early-career researchers meet the seniors

Managing marine socio-ecological systems: picturing the future

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MSEAS 2016

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