Effects of fishing on benthic fauna and habitats

Lodging information

Contact person for information on booking and reservations:
Vera Helene Lund,
[email protected],
Mobile phone: +4795276707

Please note:
Please register and book your hotel room as soon as possible. Rooms have been set aside for the symposium but many tourists normally visit Tromsø at the time of the symposium and we cannot keep the rooms for the symposium longer than to May 2.

List of hotels:


Estimated price refers to bookings before 31. mars 2014


Conference hotel: Rica Ishavshotell


Grand hotell:

Single bed + breakfast: NOK 1590                                            

Double bed + breakfast: NOK 1840

Booking nummer: 14395025


Thon Hotel Polar:

Single bed + breakfast NOK 795,-

Double bed + breakfast NOK 995,-

Booking nummer: 982979


Thon Hotel Tromsø:

Double room for one + breakfast NOK 1330

Extra person in room + NOK 200

Booking number: 906730


Rica Ishavshotell:

Single bed: 1445,- pr døgn

Double bed: 1645,- pr døgn

Booking nummer: 14057558


Tromsdalen camping, Tromsø:

Cottage with shower / toilet, 4 persons: NOK 1.100,-

Cottage without shower / toilet, 4 persons: NOK 700,-

Booking information: Institute Marine Research

Booking nummer: 1039328


City Living:

Single bed: NOK 1099                                            

Double bed: NOK 1290

Apartment NOK 1490


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Lodging information

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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