Effects of fishing on benthic fauna and habitats


Registration will open on Monday 16th June. From Tuesday through Thursday there will be oral and poster sessions. Morning and afternoon sessions will be opened by key-note invited speakers. At the end of each day a plenary discussion will be held on management implications.  On the final afternoon a plenary will be held in which the proceedings of symposium will be drawn together. In total 30 oral presentations (20-25 min) and 6 key-note addresses (45 min) are scheduled. Friday will be dedicated to a mid-summer excursion in the Norwegian arctic.

The symposium program will be structured around fisheries impacts on different seabed types and communities. The sessions will be divided into the following themes:

  • Soft bottom/infauna (macrobenthos) community composition

  • Mixed bottom/epifauna and habitat forming megafauna

  • Gear effects and development 

Posters and oral presentations are encouraged on the following topics:

  • Instantaneous and physical changes to the benthic ecosystem caused by fishing activity

  • Change in the extent of habitats impacted by bottom trawling – how big is the problem?

  • Effects of fishing on marine faunal biodiversity

  • Effects of fishing on nutrient recycling and benthic-pelagic coupling

  • Effects of fisheries discards  on the benthic ecosystem

  • Effects of seabed protection measures; total or partial fishing gear modification and technical conservation measures.

  • Development of indicators of ecological and community change

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