ICES Annual Science Conference 2017

Early career scientists

Join these special events aimed at early career scientists!

​​​​​Mentor meetup!
Monday 18 September
11:00-11:30, Third floor, East Concourse area
It's time to meet your mentor! If you signed up for the mentor programme, join us for the mentor meetup on Monday. You will have a chance to have a chat over a coffee, and find out what your mentor has planned out for you for the week.

ECS workshop: Shaping science into a story: The 'why' and 'how' of effective communication
Monday 18 September
12:30-14:30, Meeting room 316
Science communication workshop for early career scientist. Read more and register.

Meet & greet
Monday 18 September 18:00 Floridian ballroom
Everything you ever wanted to know about ICES! During Monday's welcome reception members of the network will be available to meet up and answer all your questions about ICES.

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Career chat for early career scientists at ICES ASC 2016.

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Early career scientists

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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