ICES Annual Science Conference 2017

ECS workshop

Shaping science into a story: The 'why' and 'how' of effective communication

Monday 18 September
12:30-14:30, Meeting room 316

Join this lunchtime science communication workshop by Jennifer Bennett-Mintz, Education and Outreach Coordinator at NOAA's Ocean Acidification Program.

The avenues for communicating scientific research are rapidly expanding. Research findings are no longer limited to publication in peer reviewed journals. Scientific efforts can now be found in the news, summarized in a Tweet, or explained in a Facebook post. During this workshop the cognitive research behind effective science communication, key components of building a story, along with tools to share science on social media will be discussed.

Come prepared to learn the 'why' and 'how' of shaping science into a story and walk away with tools to communicate your research effectively, whether it's in 140 characters, a few sentences sentences, or a few paragraphs.

Note! Sandwich lunch is provided but space is limited, so please register by e-mailing to Terhi Minkkinen at ICES Secretariat.

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​Jenni​fer Bennett-Mintz is the Education and Outreach Coordinator at NOAA's Ocean Acidification Programme.

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ECS workshop

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