Data Tools

Data Validation

Data Validation and Quality Control

Data Quality procedures

Data submitted to ICES databases undergo several steps of quality verification.

Quality Control checks are specified by the relevant governance group for the data stream, which has representation from data providers, data users and technical experts on data management. The majority of these checks are documented in the portals directly and quality control is largely automated through online screening programmes such as the ICES Data Screening Utility or XML and Schematron – or combinations of these. Some of the data streams have additional automated scripted quality control performed via publically available R scripts in the ICES Github repositories. 

Quality assurance procedures are undertaken by the ICES expert groups at various stages in the life cycle of data: at data collection, groups of experts will evaluate the latest data against the entire dataset and document variations in working group reports for the specific survey/data collection available in the ICES publications library. When the data are used in assessment, the assessment report, and the associated management advice, comment on the quality of the data, which is fed back to the data submitter and the ICES Data Centre.

​​​​​​Quality control database

All data quality control checks performed by the online screening programmes, or by ICES data officers before data are uploaded to the thematic portals are documented in the Quality Control Database (QC DB).

​​​​​​Data validation services

Data validation performed upon data submissions is mostly automated, and produces data quality reports with quality flagged data for the submitter to verify if the data need any correction.
Data screening utility (DATSU) facilitates data validation for a variety of datasets that include Biodiversity, Bycatch, Underwater Noise, Marine Aggregates, Stock Assessment Graphs, SMARTdots samples. Data validation for DATRAS, DOME, INTERCATCH is facilitated by DATSU, but has separate access points. Data validation for the Acoustic surveys, RDB, RDBES, and Ocean data is made by separate tools.

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Data Validation

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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