Data Tools

Code Requests

Here you can request a new Code or a Code Type to be added to the ICES Vocabulary Server. You can also request the deprecation of a Code or a Code Type, as well as the change of a Code description. 

​​Requesting a code 

To request a new Code or Code Type, or a change to an existing vocabulary, apart from Platform and Station codes, a form must be filled in with the required information on the requested changes and the reasons for the proposed change. The information in the form will then be verified by the ICES Reference Management Group and the request will be managed through the master reference change process on GitHub.  
Platform and Station code requests are managed through a separate web-based request application. Access to the application requires a login account that should be requested from [email protected].After login, a user guide is available on how to fill in information on the application.    
​​​​​Platform Requests 
All platforms used for sample or data collection can get a platform code assigned in the Platform Code Request Application. The application provides improved tracking and overview of the SeaDataNet controlled vocabulary C17 and a user-friendly interface for requesting new Platform Codes. 
To request a new platform code, a request form must be filled in with as much information as possible. Submitted requests are processed by ICESAfter verification by ICES Data Centre, the Platform Group is notified, where the group members can provide comments on the request. Then the US NOAA (NCEI) gives the final approval. Once NOAA approves a new Platform Code, it is made available in the ICES Vocabulary Server 
Station Requests 
Monitoring stations (including fixed stationsthat are used for recurring sampling or data collection are managed via the Station Code Request Application. Stations are used for data reporting and outputs in some ICES projects. 
The online application replaces the old Station Dictionary list, which has supported the needs of OSPAR and HELCOM monitoring assessments. It allows ICES to widen the scope of the ICES Station Dictionary, to align with the common needs of current and additional users such as SeaDataNet, BODC, HELCOM, OSPAR, EIONET and EU Directive reporting. 
To request a new station code, a request form must be filled in, after which an ICES data officer will process and approve it. Alternatively, experienced users can use the bulk upload feature to modify or request new stations directly in the Station Dictionary, bypassing manual approvalStation Dictionary is made available in the ICES vocabulary server and via ICES Spatial Facility 
The detailed workflow on code requests from ICES can be viewed in the ICES Vocabularies and Codes data flow schematicavailable in ICES publications. 


How to Cite 

ICES Vocabulary, [Date Accessed]. ICES, Copenhagen, Denmark. ​

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Code Requests

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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