
List of ICES ID Leaflets for Diseases and Parasites of Fish and Shellfish

​​The series is regularly updated with new and revised leaflets, with an emphasis on new or emerging disease conditions.​​

​​​​The list of ID Leaflets published thus far describe diseases that occur in fish and molluscs, complemented with a handful of other taxa (i.e. crustacean, marine mammal). The main focus of most leaflets are diseases caused by bacteria and protozoa, followed by diseases caused by viruses and nematodes.

Finfish​​​ ​– Bacterial​ diseases​​




Bacterial kidney disease​

​Revised by Bruno, D.W. 



​Vibriosis in saithe (Replaced by No. 71)​

​Egidius, E.​



​Vibriosis in cultured salmonids​ (Replaced by No. 71)

​Baudin Laurencin F., and 
Egidius, E.




​Revised by Bruno, D. W. 



​Pasteurella disease of striped bass

​Newman, M. W.



Vibriosis in sea bass​ (Replaced by No. 71)

Breuil, G.​




Romalde, J. L., Magariños, B., and Toranzo, A. E.



Flexibacter maritimus, casual agent of flexibacteriosis in marine fish​​

(Replaced by No. 70)​​​

​Santos, Y, Pazos, F., and Barja, J. L.



​Streptococcosis of marine fish​

​Romalde, J. L. 

and Toranzo, A. E.



​Pseudomoniasis (P. anguilliseptica) in farmed fish

​Vennerström, P.



Francisellosis of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.)

​Alfjorden, A. and 

Ruane, N.




​Simon R. M. Jones



Tenacibaculum maritimum, causal agent of tenacibaculosis in 

marine fish

​Revised by Simon R. M. Jones and Lone Madsen​


Vibriosis caused by Vibrio anguillarum and V. ordalii

​Lillehaug, A. and Colquhoun, D.

​​​​Finfish​​​ ​– Viral​ diseases​​​

Lymphocystis disease of fish 

Hill, B. J. 1984


Viral erythrocytic necrosisNewman, M.198522​
Spawning papillomatosis of smeltAnders, K. and Möller, H.1991​47
Heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI) of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and the associated Piscine reovirus (PRV)

Biering, E., and 

Garseth, Å. H.

Piscine myocarditis (cardiomyopathy syndrome)Bruno, D.

​​​​​​Finfish​​​ ​– Parasitic​ diseases​​​​

Ichthyophonus, a systemic mesomycetozoan pathogen of fish
Revised by Jones, S. R. M.2013


Coccidiosis of the liver of blue whiting MacKenzie, K. 1984​4
Digestive tract microsporidiosis of flatfishVan Banning, P.1984​5
Cranial myxosporidiosis of fishesVan Banning, P.1984​6
Pseudoterranova larvae (“codworm"; Nematoda) in fishRevised by Longshaw, M.2012​7
Anisakis larvae (“herringworm"; Nematoda) in fishRevised by Longshaw, M.20128​
Phocascaris/Contracaecum larvae (Nematoda) in fish

Smith, J. W. and

Wootten, R.

Larval paragnathiosis of mullets Menezes, J.1984​10
Salmon lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonisEgidius, E.1985​26

Eye-maggot (Lernaeenicus sprattae) and body-maggot (L. encrasicoli) of the sprat 

Schram, T. A.1991​43
Hysterothylacium aduncum (Nematoda) in fishBerland, B.1991​44
Muscle myxosporidiosis of Pacific salmonDeclerk, D.1991​45
Swimbladder nematode (Anguillicola crassus) in the European eel  (Anguilla anguilla)Van Banning, P.1991​48
Aporocotyle simplex, a blood fluke in flatfishThulin, J.1991​49
Stephanostomum tenue in marine aquaculture of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) McGladdery, S. E. 1999​51

Diplostomum spathaceum larvae (Diplostomosis) (Digenea) in fish

Höglund, J.1999​53

Amoebic gill disease (AGD) of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Ruane, N. M. and 

Jones, S. R. M. 

X-cell disease in common dab (Limanda limanda L.) caused by Xcellia lamelliphila (Perkinsea) Stephen W. Feist and David Bass 2017



​​Finfish​​​ ​– Other (e.g. fungal, environmental, unknown​) diseases​

Papillomatosis of eels
Peters, N. and Peters, G.1984


Epidermal papilloma of dabWatermann, B., Dethlefsen, V., and Mellergaard, S.1987​33
Connective tissue inflammation in dabWatermann, B.1987​34
Ulcus syndrome in codChristensen, N. O.1987​35
Spring ulcer disease in eels Dalsgaard, I.1987​36
Granulomatous hypertyrosonaemiaBaudin-Laurencin, F. 
and Messager, J. L.
Infection with Exophiala salmonisRevised and updated by D. W. Bruno 2016​42
Buccal granulomatosis of smeltMöller, H. and Anders, K.1991​46
Liver tumours in flatfishFeist, S. W. and Lang, Thomas2014​61

Hyperpi​gmentation of common dab (Limanda limanda L.)​

Lang, T., Feist, S. W., Noguera, P. A., and Bruno, D.2015

Molluscan​​​ ​– Bacterial diseases​

Rickettsial infection of the flat oyster
Comps, M.


Rickettsial disease of Donax trunculusComps, M.1985​15
Roseovarius Oyster Disease (ROD) caused by Roseovarius crassostreaeFord, S. E.2011​57
Brown ring disease: a vibriosis affecting clams Ruditapes philippinarum and R. decussatusChristine Paillard2017

​​Molluscan​​​ ​– Viral diseases​

Portuguese oyster virosis
Comps, M.1985


Gill diseaseComps, M. 1985​23
Viral gametocyte hypertrophy in oystersAustin Farley, C.1985


​​Molluscan​​​ ​– Parasitic diseases​​

Minchinia armoricana disease of the flat oyster
Van Banning, P.


Haemocytic disease of the flat oysterComps, M.  1985​18
Marteiliosis of oysters caused by Marteilia refringensRevised by Renault, T. and Ford, S. E.2012​19
Mytilicola orientalis Mori, parasitismGrizel, H.198520​
Mytilicola intestinalis, parasitismRevised and updated by John P. Bignell2016​24
Dermo disease of oysters caused by Perkinsus marinusRevised by Ford, S. E.2011​30
MSX disease of oysters caused by Haplosporidium nelsoni 
Revised by Ford, S. E.2010​38
SSO disease of oysters caused by Haplosporidium costale Revised by Ford, S. E.201139​
Bonamiosis of oysters caused by Bonamia exitiosaRyan B. Carnegie2017

​​Molluscan ​– Other (e.g. fungal, environmental, unknown​) diseases​​

Haematopoietic neoplasm in the blue mussel (Replaced by No. 67)

Alderman, D. J. and

Green, M.


Haematopoietic neoplasm in the flat oyster (Replaced by No. 67)Balouet, G.1985​12
Shell disease of oystersAlderman, D. J.1985​16
Disseminated neoplasms in bivalves Revised by Tristan Renault and Susan Ford2017

​​Crustacean –​ Bacterial diseases

Bacterial shell disease of crustaceans

Austin, B. and 

Alderman, D. J.



Gaffkemia, a bacterial disease of lobsters: Genus Homarus


Stewart, J. E. and 

Marks, L. J. 


​Crustacean –​ Viral​ diseases

Milk or cotton disease of shrimps
Van Banning, P.1985


​Crustacean –​ Other (e.g. fungal, environmental, ​unknown) diseases

Fungal shell disease of crustaceans ​​​

​Al​​derman, D. J.



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List of ICES ID Leaflets for Diseases and Parasites of Fish and Shellfish

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