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Press release - Scientists honoured at ICES Annual Science Conference in Riga

ICES presented awards for best oral and poster presentations at the closing ceremony of its 2016 Annual Science Conference (ASC) in Riga, Latvia last Friday.
Published: 27 September 2016

​​The standout contributors were formally recognized by chair of ICES Science Committee (SCICOM) Yvonne Walther as the final act of the week-long conference.

Silva Uusi-Heikkilä, researcher at the Division of Genetics and Physiology at the University of Turku in Finland, was presented with the Best Presentation Award for her study entitled 'The molecular mechanisms of fisheries-induced evolution'.

Dorothy Dankel, researcher at the University of Bergen in Norway, received the Best Poster Award for her poster 'Choice under risk, choice under uncertainty: Science advice meets behavioral science'.

Recognition was also given to the valuable contributions made by early career scientists. Malin Pinsky and Noémie Friscourt accepted best presentation awards in this category for their respective talks 'Fishing, fast growth, and climate variability increase the risk of collapse' and 'Structure and resilience of the benthic food web across the Canadian Arctic Ocean and the Chukchi sea'.

The best early career scientist poster accolade was given to Leonie Färber for her contribution 'Ticket to Spawn: using economic data to shed light on biological hypothesis'.

The ASC is a meeting point for the ICES community and a platform for engagement in the latest innovative marine research. This year's event drew over 600 participants from 37 countries, representing multiple disciplines and sectors. The scientific programme spread out across 18 theme sessions including ecology and evolution, Arctic ecosystem services, marine spatial planning, and integrating humanities and social sciences into marine management.

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​Silva Uusi-Heikkilä (to the left) from the University of Turku, Finland, receives the award for best presentation at the ASC 2016 from Yvonne Walther, Chair of ICES Science Committee (SCICOM).

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Press release - Scientists honoured at ICES Annual Science Conference in Riga

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