
ICES release updated mackerel advice for 2014

Northeast Atlantic mackerel advice released
Published: 9 May 2014

​​​The Northeast Atlantic mackerel advice for 2014, which ICES released in October 2013, was issued as an interim measure. The advice could not be based on the current management plan because the analytical approach used could no longer be supported.

In February 2014, a benchmark of the methodology was carried out and a new assessment approach was developed. Based on this, ICES has updated the 2014 advice for Northeast Atlantic mackerel which is now based on the management ​​​​plan. The updated advice can be found on ICES website.

Advice for Icelandic Capelin in 2015, as well as advice related to the impacts of the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive on marine mammals, has also been released this week.

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ICES release updated mackerel advice for 2014

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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