
New Identification Leaflets in the library

Documents on hyperpigmentation, Pseudomoniasis, and bacterial kidney disease in species of fish now available online
Published: 30 January 2015

​ICES Identification Leaflet for Diseases and Parasites of Fish and Shellfish number 62 covers hyperpigmentation, a skin condition in dab and other flatfish species which causes abnormal colouration. Its prevalence in affected stocks can reach 50%, and affected fish may exhibit poor condition. Their unsightly appearance may result in market rejection. An infectious disease agent has not be confirmed and the aetiology has yet to be determined. Information on the distribution and microscopic features is also provided in the leaflet.

ID Leaflet number 63 is on Pseudomoniasis caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas anguilliseptica and affects a wide variety of fish species and is associated with serious disease in several important aquaculture species including eels and salmonids. This causes petechial haemorrhaging of the skin and around fin bases as well as usual clinical signs, with internal organs also showing this feature. The leaflet also gives information on diagnostic methods.

The subject of Leaflet number 21 is Bacterial kidney disease (BKD) – a serious chronic disease of samonids in fresh and saltwater environments around the world. The aetiological agent is the Gram +ve diplobacillus bacteria that infects many tissues and organs, including the kidney and spleen. Pathological features and control methods are also described.

You can access the three new ID leaflets via our publications. Please note that using Internet Explorer will provide the optimal experience. ​​​​

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​A dab with hyperpigmentation of the skin

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New Identification Leaflets in the library

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