
Reviewing advice and strengthening stakeholder collaboration

ICES Advice requesters, stakeholders, and observers gather in Copenhagen.
Published: 27 January 2025

​​​​​​The annual meetings between ICES and requesters of ICES Advice (MIRIA) and Advisory Councils and other Observers (MIACO), which serve as forums for government agencies, fisheries managers, environmental organizations, and other stakeholders to review and discuss the advice ICES provides to support sustainable fisheries and marine ecosystem management, took place in Copenhagen last week. 

Advice requesters

The week began with MIRIA, a platform for ICES to engage directly with regulatory bodies, fisheries managers, and other recipients of its advice. Discussions centred on quality assurance, with a review of ICES Advice in 2024 highlighting challenges like data limitations and model complexity. ICES proposed ten prioritized actions for 2025 to enhance its advice quality. The meeting also addressed topics such as rebuilding scenarios, mixed-stock fisheries, and transitioning to multi-annual advice to reduce workload and improve stability.

Beyond fisheries, MIRIA explored the Framework for Ecosystem-Informed Science and Advice (FEISA) and advancements in offshore renewable energy science and advice. Updates on biodiversity-related initiatives, including the Kunming-Montreal Framework, underscored ICES' commitment to addressing global conservation challenges.

Observing the advisory process

MIACO provided an opportunity for dialogue with Advisory Councils and observers. Similar themes emerged, including quality assurance and updates to fishing opportunities advice frameworks. However, MIACO placed greater emphasis on stakeholder engagement, with discussions on a new stakeholder webpage, revised observer rules, and improved communications. Broader ecosystem issues, such as offshore renewable energy guidance and biodiversity frameworks, were also key topics.

The recently published Science and Advisory plans that set a forward-looking agenda to address the critical challenges facing oceans and to enhance ICES role as a global leader in ecosystem-informed advice and scientific innovation, were presented to both groups.​

Together, these meetings underscore ICES commitment to collaboration and continual improvement, ensuring its scientific advice remains robust, transparent, and responsive to the needs of stakeholders managing marine ecosystems worldwide.​​

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Representatives of ​ICES advice requesters, stakeholders, and observers met in Copenhagen for their annual update on ICES advisory process.

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Reviewing advice and strengthening stakeholder collaboration

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