The project aims to create "Resilient Ecosystems in Harmony with Sustainable Development" by prioritizing mangrove sustainability to increasing resilience against climate change. We are conducting a coastal vulnerability model using numerical modelling and field measurements to inform decision-makers and local organizations. Inclusive strategies, developed with academia, government, NGOs, and communities, will focus on nature-based solutions. Additionally, we will pilot an ecological restoration plan in priority sites to enhance connectivity and resilience. Pilot schemes like forestry incentives and community-based tourism will complement existing projects, promoting synergies in the area.
Bio: Guatemalan biologist. I have focused my work on the research and conservation of marine species and ecosystems.
Exploring the role of science-industry collaboration in small scale fisheries co-management: the lobster fisheries case study in the Netherlands
Incorporating fishers' experiential knowledge (FEXK) in fisheries management and underlying scientific advisory systems is increasingly being advocated, yet challenges remain on how to practically include FEXK. One way to address these challenges is through science-industry research collaboration (SIRC), which focuses on the co-creation of knowledge in science with non-scientific parties. This study evaluates the SIRC process using criteria for best practices set out by Calderwood et al. (2023) throughout the various phases of a research project using a co-managed, small-scale lobster fisheries in the Netherlands, as a case study. The results highlight best practices and challenges regarding mutual learning about scientific methodologies, acknowledging fishers as expert data providers, setting up circular, transparent processes, and addressing equity issues around fisher participation. This evaluation of a SIRC provides valuable insights into how the implementation of a jointly developed, systematic data collection method could increase the uptake and use of FEXK while facilitating future stock assessments. Our research does not only contribute to understanding the Eastern Scheldt lobster fishery, but also offers insights applicable to similar contexts, emphasizing the potential for sustainable practices through science-industry research collaborations.
Keywords: science-industry research collaboration, fishers' experiential knowledge, FEXK, lobster
Bio: I work as a marine governance researcher at Wageningen Marine Research. In early June, I'm presenting my paper on science-industry research collaboration focusing on a case study in the Netherlands.
Environmental and human drivers shape the trophic ecology of a widespread marine predator
Integrative approaches that investigate trophic ecology drivers provide knowledge to explore and predict changes in food-web dynamics under contrasting scenarios of global change. However, studies that analyze the relationship between environmental factors and trophic interactions, and that additionally considered other human stressors such as fisheries are few. Here, we use δ15N and δ13C stable isotopes to study the trophic ecology of a widespread pelagic predatory fish, the swordfish (Xiphias gladius), in the western Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent Atlantic waters. We explore the relationships between dietary estimates and biological, environmental, and anthropogenic drivers using Generalized Additive Models. GAMs are used to develop spatial predictions of present prey consumption and, as a prospective exercise, to project changes in prey consumption under different future climate change scenarios. Our prospective exercise suggested that swordfish diets will move towards greater consumption of fish under future global change scenarios. We provide quantitative evidence on how large-scale, spatial-temporal patterns in fishing pressure and environmental conditions can shape the overall diet of predators.
Keywords: pelagic fish, swordfish, diet, fishing pressure, global change
Bio: I’m Elena, an environmental biologist passionate about marine top predators. I’m currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Biodiversity where I’m studying various aspects of the spatial and trophic ecology of large pelagic fish, such as swordfish, blue sharks, and mako sharks. My research goal is to identify the areas of the highest importance from a biological and ecological perspective for these endangered pelagic predators as a tool for advising management to recover, conserve, and sustainably manage these species.