ICES Annual Science Conference 2018

Data's Den: Show us your best tools to process and present data

An opportunity for you to present your excellent software, app, or other tool in a fun and exciting atmosphere.

Tuesday, 25 September
Lecture Hall C

​​The session will run 6–8 pitches that present an idea or product that is either innovative in solving a data problem, makes (data) life easier, or makes data available to a wide audience. You will present it in a three-minute pitch to a panel of experienced data enthusiasts from the ICES community. They will be able to “invest" in your idea, and the idea with the most investments will win a prize. The audience will also play a role in the investments – this will be revealed at the session.

You can use either existing material that you would like to share with a wider audience, or an idea for which you are searching for support or help in getting it further developed.

The show will be in front of a large audience, so even if you don't win, you might create enough interest to be asked about your idea in the subsequent poster session.

The aim of this open session is to stimulate discussion and to exchange ideas that centre on the huge efforts made by ICES science community who work with data every day.

Submit your idea by 6 August by contacting co-organizer Malin Werner. You will hear back from us by 15 August so you will have time to prepare for the event.

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Christian von Dorrien, Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries, Germany
Jens Rasmussen, Marine Scotland, UK
Ingeborg de Boois, IMARES, Netherlands
Malin Werner, Institute of Marine Research, Sweden

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Data's Den: Show us your best tools to process and present data

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