ICES Annual Science Conference 2017

Social events

Mix and mingle with your fellow scientists!

​​​​Monday 18 September

18:00–19:30 Floridian ballroom
Welcome reception
Let's get together and toast the opening of ASC 2017!

Tuesday 19 September

18:00–20:00 Floridian ballroom
Games night
Join us for an informal game evening, where you will get to play a role in a complex system and experience the long range effects of your choices during the course of the game, all with a cold drink in hand and in great company!

Free admission, limited places! Sign up at the ASC registration desk. 

18:30-20:30 Buses to Las Olas
Take a trip to the heart and soul of Fort Lauderdale, Las Olas Boulevard, where you can find galleries, cafes, bars and restaurants a'plenty.
Buses from the conference centre to Las Olas run from 18:30 to 20:30, the last bus from Las Olas back to the conference centre runs at 22:30.

​Wednesday 20 September

17:30–19:30 Floridian ballroom​
Poster session
The annual gathering centred around the ASC poster exhibit.  This is the perfect opportunity to meet the authors and discuss the science behind the posters.

19:30–22:00 Floridian ballroom
Social reception
Without a doubt the social event of the year! After the poster session, join us for more eating, drinking and merriment.  Musical entertainment by the Florida Atlantic University wind symphony.  

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​Don't miss out on the beer game on Tuesday evening! Sign up at the ASC registration desk.

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Social events

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