ICES Annual Science Conference 2017

Theme session B

ICES-PICES-CIESM session: Bioinvasion trajectories and impacts in contrasting marine environments

Monday 18 September, 14:30–16:00 & 16:30–18:00
Tuesday 19 September, 10:30–12:00

Room: Grand ballroom E

​​The intentional or accidental introduction of non-indigenous marine species can have serious ecological and economic impacts, contributing to the global loss of biodiversity and negatively affecting coastal communities. These impacts are not, however, equal among organisms or invaded ecosystems due to differences in native biodiversity, vectors, and ecosystem characteristics. 

Recognizing and understanding the contextual nature of marine invasions will thus enable better management decisions, especially for data-limited systems such as the Arctic, and can inform policy development that could slow the rate and/or ​impacts of invasions. 

Comparing and contrasting invasion trajectories and impacts in different marine ecosystems around the globe will provide a clearer understanding of the most important factors contributing to invasion success while providing a standardized interpretation of the EU MSFD Descriptor 2 on non-indigenous species. 

The three organizations supporting this session have long histories of working on marine non-indigenous species issues in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Mediterranean respectively, and this session will draw on this unique expertise to contrast marine invasions in these different systems. With continued interest in marine invasions, especially in the Arctic, this session is timely in terms of revisiting this global problem.​​

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​HennOjaveer (Estonia)
Cynthia McKenzie (Canada)
Thomas Therriault (Canada)

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Theme session B

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