ICES Annual Science Conference 2017

These session formats

The format of ASC Theme sessions is decided by the convenors, depending on what best fits the purpose. Here are some guidelines to assist conveners in organizing their session.

​​​Theme session

  • Consists of oral presentations (15 minutes including discussion), short talks (10 mins including discussion), poster presentations (2 mins no discussion), keynotes (30 mins including discussion), and general discussions
  • Convenors may use as many or as few of these as they wish, but a general discussion is recommended
  • The maximum duration of a theme session is two days, representing 45 oral presentations
  • A compilation of cutting-edge scientific progress on a topic

Panel discussion

  • Consists of an introduction (5 mins no discussion), followed by short talks (10 mins no discussion) and a general discussion
  • Duration is a maximum of 90 minutes with at least 30 of these reserved for discussion
  • Confronts perspectives on issues involving society such as new regulations or ocean management

Innovation presentation

  • Made up of 2-3 short talks (10 mins each no discussion) followed by a general discussion
  • Duration up to one hour
  • Presents the breakthroughs of a research project or technological developments with novel applications in marine science, and discusses ideas of future joint projects and proposals

Additional formats can be proposed by convenor and will be considered in the ICES evaluation process.

All sessions may be sponsored by externals/industry depending on the arrangements the convenors think appropriate.

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​Theme session in progress at ASC 2016. Photo:

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These session formats

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