ICES Annual Science Conference 2017

Open session

Physical, economic and societal impacts of climate change: testing common scenarios of future impact

Tuesday 19 September 12:30–14:00
Room: Grand ballroom F

​​​​​​​The ICES-PICES Strategic Initiative on Climate Change Impacts on Marine Ecosystems (SICCME) provides a forum to align and advance research on the projecting the effects of climate change on living marine resources and their environments. Projected oceanographic and ecological changes are anticipated to have long-term and widespread consequences (both negative and potentially positive) for the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. However, to fully anticipate and potentially adapt to these changes, future scenarios must also incorporate how marine economies and policies as well as technologies employed may develop in the future (e.g. the intensity and efficiency of fishing, the construction of offshore windfarms, the spatial management of marine and inland waters, the price of fuel and fishmeal, the global demand for seafood, etc.).

An important, ongoing effort is to establish future socio-political scenarios which map onto the IPCC carbon emission scenarios and attempt, where possible, to align research and projection efforts in various regions and fishery-dependent communities around the world.

​This session will:

  • present the roadmap of activities in the third phase (2018-2020) of the ICES-PICES SICCME (Anne Hollowed)
  • invite a series of lightning presentations by PIs on future scenarios used in projections of climate change impacts on fish and fishery-dependent communities (John Pinnegar)
  • report on efforts to compare and contrast vulnerability assessments of fish and fishery-dependent communities and aquaculture to climate change (Myron Peck)
  • promote a discussion and obtain feedback on ways SICCME and other research communities (e.g. ESSAS, FishMIP, TBTI) can coordinate efforts to project climate change impacts in various regions and systems around the globe.
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Myron Peck (ICES)
John Pinnegar (ICES)
Anne Hollowed (PICES)
Shin-ichi Ito (PICES)
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Open session

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