ICES Annual Science Conference 2017

Open session

Everything you ever wanted to know about FLR but were afraid to ask

Thursday 21 September 12:30–13:45
Room: Grand ballroom F

​​​​​​​​​The European Commission Joint Research Centre presents a multimedia, interactive introduction to the latest developments in FLR (Fisheries Libraries in R).

FLR is a collection of tools for quantitative fisheries science, developed in the R language. It is particularly suited for the construction of bio-economic simulation models of fisheries systems and evaluating proposed management plans through Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE), as well as stock assessment, data visualisation and fisheries modelling. FLR has been extensively used to provide scientific advice in a wide range of fora, including ICES working groups, the EC's Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee (STECF), FAO and various RFMOs (ICCAT, IOTC, NAFO). Its open-source nature promotes transparency, openness and replicability, and makes use of the R ecosystem, enabling the user to benefit from a large number of R packages for statistics, High Performance Computing and plotting.

During this session you will have the opportunity to explore the latest version of FLR and learn about the new features and developments. The session is for everyone irrespective of your experience with FLR or R, whether you are a complete newbie or a seasoned veteran. We particularly welcome first-timers with no prior knowledge or experience.

The session will be hands-on and also supported by interactive tools, so bring your laptops and your enthusiasm for maximum effect.

Compete against your colleagues for the chance to win exotic prizes!  Learn more about FLR than you ever wanted to! ​

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Finlay Scott and Ernesto Jardim (European Commission Join Research Centre)
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Open session

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