ICES Annual Science Conference 2017

Open session

Emerging science topics relevant for ICES

Wednesday 20 September 14:00–15:30
Room: Grand ballroom E

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ICES advice depends on its science base and the organization needs to be aware of and able to respond to current and future developments in relevant scientific areas.

Several scientific fields have the potential to fundamentally change how ICES science is being conducted and implemented, and discussing such fields is key for future success. In this session we ask the ICES community to come forward with novel topics that have the potential to reshape the way the organization is doing its science.

Originality comes in many forms. We are looking for new concepts, new technology, new applications, new approaches, above all, ideas which are new to ICES science and which can help shape future science and advice.

We will be discussing emerging topics relevant for ICES science, and introducing and reviewing topics that have the potential to become key elements of it. We aim to provoke and stimulate ICES science, notably new cross-disciplinary approaches to the societal challenges that the organization faces.

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Nils Olav Handegard (Norway)
Graham Pierce (Spain)
Inigo Martinez (ICES)

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International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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