ICES Annual Science Conference 2017

Open session

Ecosystem data collection, integrated assessments and advice, can we make it one coherent process?

Wednesday 20 September 14:00–15:30
Room: Grand ballroom G
​​​​​​​​​​​​The Steering Group on Integrated Ecosystem Observations and Monitoring (SSGIEOM) supports a large array of Expert Groups involved in monitoring, primarily focused on providing the evidence on fisheries advice. More and more these groups are also delivering important information on ecosystem state and function. The Steering Group on Integrated Ecosystem Assessments (SSGIEA) aims to facilitate the work of the Expert Groups in developing regional ecosystem assessments and aids in the development of assessment methods that underpin the provision of robust ecosystem advice.Much progress has been made in making a wide variety of data available, but data streams continue to be collected independently, with little thought on the application or how to maximise the effectiveness of such collections from an ecosystem perspective. One reason is that data collection is largely a national responsibility, yet ecosystem state is a regional matter. Without formal agreements what can ICES do to reconcile the difference and advise its customers and contributors on implementation? How do we demonstrate added-value nationally from cooperating internationally on monitoring?In this session we will review the regional perspectives on ecosystem data collection and integrated ecosystem assessments to set the current scene. We will then seek input from as many monitoring and ecosystem assessment scientists as possible to develop a common strategy for ecosystem monitoring and assessment while accommodating the regionally specific needs. Discussion will touch the following topics:​What are the risks and benefits of different options for linking monitoring and assessmentsHow do we communicate requirements better from monitoring to adviceHow to decide what's important to monitor and how to sample itWhat do we need to do organisationally, nationally or internationally to make ecosystem monitoring a reality?
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Sven Kupschus (SSGIEOM)
Mette Mauritzen (SSGIEA)
Don Clark (Canada)
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Open session

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