
Early career scientists

ICES welcomes all those joining the ASC for the time, especially early career scientists. To help you along, we've organized a few events that will introduce you to the work of ICES and to the people who carry out that work.​​​


Early career scientist bus stop

At the Welcome reception, taking place at Palexco on Monday evening, there will be an early career scientist bus stop manned by a rotation of SCICOM members (SCICOM has 20 members, one from each ICES member country), as well as ACOM leadership. If you have any questions about ICES, the role of SCICOM or ACOM, how to become involved in working groups, or you would just like to be introduced to your national ICES delegate​, please come along. This will also a great place to meet your fellow early career scientists. 

Career chat with experts

On Tuesday afternoon, we have arranged for a number of established members of the marine science community to take part in a career chat. In an informal setting, you have the opportunity to ask our experts about their career paths and what advice they may have for you. This event represents a unique opportunity to meet experts from around the world that have taken different career paths. Come along armed with your questions and create your own discussion. This event takes place in Palexco during the lunch break. 

As places are limited, please register your interest by booking your place online.

Early career scientist awards

Many conferences give merit awards at the end of the event which recognise the best research papers and posters. What is different in ICES is that we also reward as many as three early career scientists  for their excellent oral or poster presentations. These awards are significant, and include a financial contribution for the awardees to attend ICES workshops, working groups, or conferences. These awards are presented at the Closing Ceremony and provide a fitting finale to an action-packed conference. 

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Early career scientists

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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