Following a few simple guidelines will ensure an enjoyable experience both for you, the presenter, and your audience.
Upload your talk
You have two options:
Upload your PowerPoint presentation before the beginning of the conference to the ICES ASC SharePoint site. Link, user name, and password will be provided in adequate time.
Hand in your presentation at the presentations desk in the Palexco Congress and Exhibition Centre. The presentations desk will help those that were unable to use the SharePoint site. It will have limited opening times - during theme session breaks and at the beginning and end of the day.
If you hand in your presentation at the venue, it is important that you do so no later than 16:00 the day before your presentation.
On the day of your presentation
Arrive at the meeting room before the session begins and contact the session convener for last-minute instructions or changes in the schedule.
A laptop computer and projector will be provided for your presentation, using PowerPoint software.
A cordless slide advancer with built-in laser pointer will be provided.
Ensure that your visual aids can be seen clearly from a distance of at least 20 metres.
Your total time slot will be 15 minutes. Allow a minimum of one minute per slide, preferably 2–3 minutes.
State the purpose and objectives of the paper, the main concepts and results, and the conclusions. Avoid too much detail.
Do not read your paper, but instead talk to the audience. Speak slowly and audibly. Avoid jargon.
Do not exceed the allocated time for your presentation.
There will also be allocated time for questions and discussion on the overall theme session.
Please note that this information applies only to those whose work has been accepted for presentation at ICES ASC 2014.