ICES Stock Information Database holds annual information for all ICES stocks, including:
- what model was used
- advice validity period
- when the precautionary buffer was last applied
Key modules
- Rolling issues that stores in one place all the known issues for each of the stocks (public access).
- Data needs that tracks and manages more than 18 000 data values needed to run advice for all stocks (access only to assessors and coordinators).
- Feedback allows experts to provide feedback on the data received to data submitters.
- Issues enabling data submitters to raise issues with stock experts on specific points.
With the aim of improving and making SID more user friendly, transparent and comprehensive, SID is in continuous development.
Usage and Citation
Please refer to ICES Data Policy for full conditions and guidance on citation. When publishing information from the database the minimum citation should include:
ICES Stock Information Database. Copenhagen, Denmark. ICES. [accessed date]. https://sid.ices.dk