Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62° N



HAWGHAWGTrueAaron Brazier, Nis Sand JacobsenFRSG

The Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62ºN (HAWG) provides scientific advice on the herring, sprat and sandeel stocks in the North Sea and the adjacent areas spanning from the Celtic Sea to the Western Baltic.

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As with all assessment working groups, there is a set of generic Terms of Reference (ToRs), which come from ACOM and form the basis of HAWG's work. Special science-related ToRs are written for a more general scientific audience, including members of other working groups who may be able to use the conclusions of such ToRs. Approaches to HAWG are also dealt with by the group, for example letters sent from the Pelagic Advisory Council. This type of communication with stakeholders is both good and constantly improving.

Despite being one of the oldest and more traditional ICES expert groups, HAWG is both innovative and dynamic.

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