Workshop on Implementation of Stakeholder Engagement Strategy

From strategy to action:
How to make ICES Stakeholder Engagement Strategy work?

16–18 May 2023
ICES Headquarters, Copenhagen and online

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This workshop is focused on the operationalization of ICES Stakeholder Engagement Strategy (SES). Building on the work of WKSHOES and the establishment of ICES SES in 2023, this workshop identifies the practical actions necessary to achieve the strategy's vision, and goals.

This workshop is essential for ICES and its advice requesters – and will help produce protocols and guidelines for effective and transparent stakeholder engagement with ICES community, whilst ensuring the independence and credibility of ICES science and advice.

WKSTIMP will bring together experts with knowledge in stakeholder participation, as well as a diverse set of stakeholders including members of the EU Advisory Councils, regional fisheries groups and environmental commissions, competent authorities of ICES member countries, observers, and other interested stakeholders.

Through this collaborative effort, WKSTIMP will identify practical implementation options, draft elements of the stakeholder engagement implementation plan, and discuss appropriate monitoring and evaluation processes to ensure accountability and continuous organizational learning on stakeholder engagement.

Chaired by Marta Ballesteros (Spain), Alexandre Rodriguez (Spain), and Ashley Wilson (UK), the workshop will present a report on the development of a stakeholder engagement implementation plan and any further steps to ACOM and SCICOM.

The workshop will be split into two parts. The first part took place on 16 May online, followed by two days of meetings at ICES Headquarters in Copenhagen on 17–18 May.

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