Workshop on Stakeholder Engagement Strategy

​WKSHOES examines stakeholder interactions across ICES expert groups, assesses needs and opportunities, and develops elements for a strategy to formalize stakeholder involvement in our groups.

​​​​​​​​​​​Specifically, WKSHOES will characterize potential stakeholder interaction goals as well as the key elements of a stakeholder engagement strategy to achieve these goals. It will also further describe key elements of any potential strategy, e.g. objectives, roles, principles, boundaries, monitoring, evaluation, etc. This will be further developed by ICES Advice and Science Committees.

It will also provide further information on stakeholder activities taking place within ICES, to make recommendations on monitoring and evaluating the impact of stakeholder engagement. In addition, the group will propose alternative approaches to improve and secure further inclusion and engagement by ICES with stakeholders, such as future hybrid  meetings.

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