Workshop to compare the indicators for CFP and MSFD D3 management objectives through simulations



WKSIMULD3WKSIMULD3TrueAnna Rindorf, Giuseppe ScarcellaFRSG

13-17 November 2023
ICES HQ, Copenhagen, Denmark & online

​​​​This workshop met to test indicators for European Union's Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Descriptor D3C3 under different conditions through simulations and compare indicators for CFP and MSFD D3 management on agreed stocks.

This was the third and final of a series of workshops on a request from the European Commission Directorate General Environment to identify operational indicators for D3C3. WKSIMULD3 ran simulations and analysed the results for a number of stocks in different conditions to test the D3C3 indicators preselected at a previous workshop WKD3C3SCOPE and the thresholds agreed upon at WKD3C3THRESHOLDS.

Additionally, WKSIMULD3 explored the relationships between indicators of population traits/dynamics and healthy population structure and infer cases where management under CFP objectives alone may be insufficient. ​

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