

Workshop to apply thresholds for the preselected indicators for MSFD D3C3

18-21 September 2023
Larnaca, Cyprus

​​​​​​​​​WKD3C3THRESHOLDS took place from 18-21 September, focusing on applying thresholds for the indicators of a 'healthy population structure' for stocks with different life history traits and data requirements.

This was​ the second of a series of workshops on a request from the European Commission DG Environment to identify operational indicators for D3C3. The results will feed into WKSIMULD3 (13-17 November) to run simulations to compare the indicators for CFP and MSFDD3 management objectives.

The D3C3 indicators preselected at the previous workshop (WKD3C3SCOPE) will be evaluated for stocks representing different life-histories, data availability and MSFD (sub)regions. WKD3C3THRESHOLDS will derive thresholds that are consistent with D3C1 and D3C2 and draft a framework for the comprehensive assessment of D3C3 among others.

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​Photo: Victoria Alexander, Unsplash

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