Scoping workshop on next generation of mixed fisheries advice 2




1-2 March 2023
ICES Headquarters, Copenhagen, Denmark

​This workshop will review the current mixed fisheries advice and identify future direction. It provides a forum for researchers, managers, and stakeholders to jointly identify the key challenges and drivers for advice on mixed fisheries, review how current methods and approaches meet their needs, and identity future priority areas. 

This is a second workshop in the WKMIXFISH series, the first one was organized in March 2020.​ The aim of this workshop is to understand and develop ideas on how to improve utility and usability of mixed fisheries considerations, which is now provided across five regions: the North Sea, Celtic Sea, Iberian Waters, Bay of Biscay and Irish Sea. It will focus on reviewing the models and scenario-based approach for advice, provide an opportunity to discuss assumptions on plausible fleet dynamics and behaviour, and identify what types of approaches to advice may be possible in future given current available data, knowledge and models. 

The operational objectives and priorities for mixed fisheries will also be discussed to identify what is needed to develop advice to meet managers' and stakeholders' needs and set out a road map to meet these goals. The ultimate goal is to provide advice that is clear, robust and meaningful so that trade-offs can be assessed among management options. In order to achieve this, input from managers and a broad range of stakeholders is encouraged. 

The workshop will be followed by a further workshop in March 2024.


Registration is now closed. 

 If the workshop is oversubscribed, ICES reserves the right, in consultation with the workshop chairs, to select the final workshop participants based on their expertise, and equitable makeup of the workshop.​
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