Working Group on Zooplankton Ecology

ICES Working Group on Zooplankton Ecology (WGZE) monitors zooplankton sampling activities in the North Atlantic and adjacent seas and reviews new sampling and analysis technologies.

Climate change and ecosystem functioning are two critical scientific drivers that influence the direction of the group's work and the topics addressed. In the course of the last 30 years, WGZE has adapted to meet evolving demands and is now also working on zooplankton production assessment, micro- and macro-zooplankton, ecological indicator development, trait-based approaches, and development of innovative technologies for sample collection and data analysis.

WGZE members have been proactive in sharing their knowledge and coordinating their efforts to disseminate and promote their findings, via the organization of several joint theme sessions at ICES Annual Science Conferences, training workshops, peer-reviewed papers, the Zooplankton Production Symposia, and the relaunch of ICES Plankton Identification Leaflet series, with updated and new leaflets. The group has fostered collaborative ties to other expert groups within ICES, the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR), and the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES).

WGZE was founded in 1991 and membership has grown steadily over the years, now boasting almost 100 members from 20 countries. Members' contributions have led to the establishment of 83 monitoring sites along with 40 standard areas from the continuous plankton recorder surveys. These provide time-series of zooplankton and physical data across the North Atlantic, Barents, Mediterranean and Baltic Seas. These data are analysed and used to produce Plankton Status Reports, which summarize trends among regions and over time; and to contribute to ICES Ecosystem Overviews.

WGZE strives for inclusion, equity, and diversity. We welcome new members, including experts from Academia, Research Institutes, Early Career Scientists and students. If you are enthusiast about zooplankton, contact us.​

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