
ID Leaflets for Plankton

ICES ID Leaflets for Plankton are open access and peer-reviewed taxonomic keys for the identification of zooplankton species, and some phytoplankton groups, in the ICES Area.

​​​​​​​​​​​ID Leaflets for Plankton provide practical taxonomic keys, relevant ecological information, and detailed references for the identification of major plankton species and groups in the ICES Area. They are written and peer-reviewed by experts in the field. The series is produced under the auspices of the ICES Working Group on Zooplankton Ecology (WGZE​) and the current series editors are Antonina dos Santos and Lidia Yebra.

In 2019, the series relaunched after a publication hiatus of 18 years. The series will revisit and update key zooplankton groups described in older leaflets, and will be expanded, to encompass groups previously not covered by the series. Further, the leaflets now contain summaries and links to available molecular data for each species or group. Our collection of published leaflets can be browsed in the ICES library​.

ID Leafltes for Plankton are normally produced by invitation. However, if you are interested in contributing, please contact the series editors or ICES editor.

Find out more information​ about the​​ series.

​Please note, if you are having difficulty viewing the PDFs, using another internet browser may help.​​​​​

List of ID Leaflets from 1939 to 2001​​​

Latest ID Leaflets

Temora ​(No. 195)

Acartiidae​ (No. 194)

Chaetogna​tha​ (No. 193)


Upcoming ID Leaflets

  • ​​​​​​​​​​Paracalanus (Copepoda)
  • ​Plagusiidae and Grapsidae (Decapoda)
  • Globigerinidae (Foraminifera)

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ID Leaflets for Plankton

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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