Working Group on Zooplankton Ecology

The Working Group on Zooplankton Ecology (WGZE) monitors zooplankton sampling activities in the North Atlantic region and reviews new sampling and analysis technologies.


​WGZE's observation of zooplankton sampling activities includes comparative analyses of zooplankton time-series (from national monitoring programmes) in relation to climate variability. The group also organizes taxonomic and laboratory workshops, zooplankton symposia, and joint meetings with other scientific groups within and outside ICES for comparison of plankton ecology between regions.

Through the sampling efforts and contributions of over 70 group members from 20 countries, 40 zooplankton monitoring sites have been established, along with 40 standard areas from the continuous plankton recorder surveys. These provide time-series across the North Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Baltic Sea. Every other year, these data are analysed and a Zooplankton Status Report is produced, which summarizes trends among regions and over time.

WGZE also produces ICES Zooplankton Methodology Manual and the ICES Zooplankton Identification Leaflets.

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