

Scallop Assessment Working Group

Members of the Scallop Assessment Working Group (WGScallop) discuss the key issues surrounding scallop species and are working towards the improvement and further development of appropriate stock assessment methods.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The working group shares expertise on survey methodologies, advances in technology and recent studies on scallop species.

The group has identified main data sources, collated information on biological parameters, developed a preliminary list of assessment or management units, and discussed the merits and limitations of fisheries dependent and fisheries independent methods for scallop assessment. The group also considers the implications of bycatch and issues surrounding closed areas.

This work improves our understanding of scallop populations and the fishery. It is hoped that any future assessments will be used to underpin advice and be directly integrated into an approach for ecosystem-based fisheries management.

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