Working Group on Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management of the Western Baltic Sea

WGECOBAL aims to better understand environmental, especially climate, effects on the living marine resources of the Western Baltic Sea.
​​​The Working Group on Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management of the Western Baltic Sea (WGECOBAL) aims to better understand environmental (especially climate) effects on the living marine resources of the Western Baltic Sea with the ultimate goal to support stock assessments and ecosystem-based advice for Western Baltic fish stocks. Activities of the group furthermore include the development and evaluation of climate adaptation measures for the Western Baltic fisheries. WGECOBAL intends to provide a forum to collect recent scientific results on the Western Baltic ecosystem, fish stocks and fisheries. With this as a basis, we want to explore and discuss how assessment, advice and management of the Western Baltic fish stocks can be improved. Furthermore, we want to develop and discuss potential futures of the Western Baltic ecosystem, its fish community and the dependent fisheries. WGECOBAL will intentionally follow a holistic approach and we hence hope to involve a broad expertise in related marine natural and social sciences (of all kinds). 

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